Learn By Doing represents companies that provide affordable, online experiential learning tools for use in the classroom or on an individual basis.
We offer business education tools for marketing, management, strategy, finance, human resources, statistics, and operations.
If you're an instructor in Europe, we'd love to talk with you!
Partner Companies
Our partner companies have helped over 500,000 people learn and apply business concepts. Let us help you next!
Interpretive Simulations
Since 1986, Interpretive’s business simulations have helped create tomorrow’s business leaders. Interpretive offers over 10 unique simulations for classroom use in the areas of marketing, management, and strategy. Universities, corporate training programs, and high schools from around the world use the simulations.
Today’s students need to understand complex problems, experience working in diverse teams, and ultimately make decisions in the face of many competing options. Business simulations provide this valuable practice in a highly engaging environment. Interpretive’s simulations are unique models based on the experience of 17 different authors that will challenge students with issues from the real world.
The net result: Better learning outcomes for your students.
MBTN | Management by the Numbers
MBTN learning modules allow students and business practitioners to master fundamental business metrics in a self-paced, online learning environment. There are over 40 modules covering topics in marketing, finance, entrepreneurship, human resources, strategy, operations, and statistics. Each module consists of a tutorial and 4 multi-question problem sets to apply and practice these concepts. For classroom use, instructors have access to original PowerPoint presentations and may easily track student progress online.